Ashley Cole Autograph


Ashley Cole Autograph

Ashley Cole was born on 20th December 1980 in London and went on to become a renowned footballer, and former husband of former Girl's Aloud and X Factor panellist Cheryl Cole, from whom, it is alleged, he strayed many time in well publicised tabloid newspaper headlines. They are now divorced. In 2006 he wrote his autobiography (at the age of just 25 yrs old) which was a flop but, while researching the book, Cole discovered he was a distant cousin of pop star Mariah Carey. When he retired from international football in 2014, he had won 107 caps, making him England's most-capped full-back and, on 27 July 2021, Cole was named as assistant coach of the England U21s alongside head coach Lee Carsley.

Ashley ColeAutograph

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