Barbara Windsor Autograph


Barbara Windsor Autograph Autograph

Barbara Windsor, born Barbara Deeks on 6th August 1937, is something of a national institution with her role in the Carry On films and possibly her best known moment in those films (she appeared in nine) came in the film Carry On Camping during which she was doing outdoor aerobic exercises when her bikini top flew off. In 1994 Windsor accepted an offer to join EastEnders, a role she played ff and on for many years before finally being killed off with her last on-screen appearance being broadcast on BBC One on 17th May 2016. Two years earlier she had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, a condition she kept from the cast, and she died on 10th December 2020, aged 83, a few months after moving into a care home. Windsor was made a Dame (DBE) in the 2016 New Year Honours for services to charity and entertainment and was awarded Freedom of the City of London in 2010.

Barbara Windsor Autograph

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