Benny Hill Autograph


Benny Hill Autograph Autograph

Alfred Hawthorne "Benny" Hill was born on 21st January, 1924 and took the stage name Benny Hill as a tribute to his favourite comedian Jack Benny. Hill started out as a radio performer before launching The Benny Hill Show in 1955 on the BBC. Benny Hill's film credits include parts in nine films including Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines (1965) and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) but he is best remembered for his often lewd and now politically incorrect TV shows which were cancelled in 1989 against a tide of new, alternative comedy. Benny Hill died on or about 19th April 1992 with his body found slumped in a chair in front of the television.

Benny Hill Autograph

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