Drew Barrymore Autograph


Drew Barrymore Autograph

Drew Blyth Barrymore was born on February 22nd, 1975 into a family of American actors. Whilst not her first film, ET: The Extra Terrestrial established her as one of Hollywood's leading child stars, however unable to cope with the stress, many of her teenage years were to be blighted by drugs and alcohol. Fortunately she pulled herself through and the adult Drew Barrymore proved not only to be a successful actress but also a shrewd businesswoman being the founder of the Flower Films production company and launching a range of cosmetics under that banner as well as owning other business ventures including lines in makeup, perfume, eyewear, wines and a clothing line.

In May 2007, Barrymore was named Ambassador Against Hunger for the United Nations World Food Programme and has donated $1 million to the cause. On 11th March 2021, Barrymore said she is taking an indefinite hiatus from acting.

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