Free Karmic Astrology

Free Karmic Astrology

Karmic astrology is unlikely to appeal to those who read normal horoscopes or consult normal astrological divination tools, for normal astrology tells you what you are whereas Karmic Astrology answers the question, why? And helps provide the answer by examining what we bring from our past lives to our current one. Karmic Astrology assumes you already know what sort of person you are but are now wondering how that came to happen and what can be done about it. 'New' people don't tend to ask those sorts of things. Karmic Astrology assumes that your current life is not just some random existential blip in a void, but instead is a part of a grand sweep of cosmic evolution which has been going on for who knows how many eons over who knows how many lifetimes.

We're talking about the Big Picture here, the view from the top of the mountain, the answer to the question, "Why am I here?" We're talking about taking a look at the next step on the path the person's soul chose before returning to an Earth incarnation. Karmic Astrology involves taking a detailed look at the natal astrological chart from a past life perspective. While a standard astrological chart with some additional information is used, it is interpreted differently than conventional astrology.

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