Simon Cowell Autograph


Simon Cowell Autograph Autograph

Simon Cowell was born on 7th October 1959. Now well known as a judge on shows such as the X Factor and Britain's Got Talent, he started his working life in the post room at EMI Music. He went on to become a partner in independent record label Fanfare, whose artistes included Sinitta. Many love him, but he was disliked by as many being voted in at number 33 of Channel 4's 100 Worst Britons (of all time.) Amongst our favourite Simon Cowell rebukes to contestants he has auditioned are "If your lifeguard duties were as good as your singing, a lot of people would be drowning." and "Shave off your beard and wear a dress. You would be a great female impersonator." But will he be on our screens for ever? Not according to Cowell; "There has to come a point when I will step down from being on camera and remain behind the scenes because you can't keep doing this forever..."

Simon Cowell Autograph

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